Evergreen Wasteway Modification
For this rehabilitation of the Evergreen Wasteway canal for SRP, a cofferdam was constructed so work could occur while the Arizona Canal remained operational with over six feet of water. All canal work outside the cofferdam had to be scheduled during an allowed two-week dry-up. This required great planning, coordination, and attention to the schedule. In addition to working around an operating canal and scheduling work around the Arizona Canal dry-up, project teams were required to undergo Salt River Pima-Indian Community sensitivity training for working in this area. Work included site grade preparation, excavation, demolition of the existing concrete walls and associated area to be rebuilt, installing underground conduits to replace an existing overhead system, installing street lights with conduits, removal of a box culvert and plugging the culvert, providing a footer for the fish racks in the canal bed, modifying the canal bed as needed, landscape restoration, and traffic control coordination. Additional work included widening the existing concrete bridge on the east and west sides, waterways and radial gate area, apron and slope area of a drain on the east side. This involved clearing the construction area of all visible and invisible obstructions, excavation, compaction, and constructing concrete foundations, walls, and slabs.