Cooper Road and Guadalupe
Road Improvements
The improvement project at Cooper Road and Guadalupe Road intersection widened the intersection to provide three travel lanes and a bike lane in each direction, add median islands to provide safer turning movements, and provide the necessary curb, gutter, and sidewalks within the road segment. Drainage improvements for storm drain capacity were also reconfigured throughout the intersection, improvements at the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) track, utility relocations and improvements included work on the SRP power and irrigation system, relocating a bus bay on the north-west intersection corner and improving two at-grade UPRR crossings. Associated roadway improvements included adding medians, storm water collection and conveyance facilities, new curb and gutter, replacing sidewalks, incorporating American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant crossings, upgrading traffic signals to include UPRR preemption, utility relocations, street lights, and landscaping. The improvement limits extend approximately a half-mile in each direction of the intersection.